What is a Cookie?

A Cookie is a small text file that a website stores on your PC, telephone or any other device, with information about your navigation on that website. Cookies are necessary to facilitate browsing and to make it more user-friendly, and they do not damage your computer.

While this Policy uses the general term “Cookies”, as they are the main method for storing information used by this website, the browser's "Local Storage" space is also used for the same purposes as the Cookies. All the information included in this section is also applicable to this "Local Storage".

What are Cookies used for on this website?

Cookies are an essential part of how our website works. The main purpose of our Cookies is to improve your browsing experience. For example, they are used to remember your preferences (language, country, etc.) while browsing and on future visits. The information collected by the Cookies also enables us to improve the site by estimating numbers and patterns of use, the suitability of the website to the individual interests of the users, quicker searches, etc. On occasions, if we have obtained your informed consent in advance, we may use Cookies, tags or other similar devices to obtain information that enables us to show you, either from our own website or from third-party websites or any other means, advertising based on the analysis of your browsing habits.

What are Cookies NOT used for on this website?

We do not store sensitive personal information, such as your address, your password, your credit or debit card data, etc., in the Cookies we use.

Who uses the information stored in Cookies?

The information stored in the Cookies from our website is used exclusively by us, except for those identified below as "third-party cookies", which are used and managed by external entities to provide services requested by us to improve our services and the experience of the user when browsing our website. The main services for which these "third-party cookies" are used are to obtain access statistics and to guarantee the payment transactions that are carried out.

How can I avoid using Cookies on this website?

If you prefer to avoid the use of Cookies on this page, taking into account the above-described limitations, first you must disable the use of Cookies in your browser and then delete the Cookies saved in your browser associated with this website. You may use this option for preventing the use of Cookies at any time.

How do I disable and prevent the use of Cookies?

You may restrict, block or delete the Cookies from this website at any time by changing the configuration of your browser following the steps indicated below. While settings are different in each browser, Cookies are normally configured in the "Preferences" or "Tools" menu. For further details on configuring Cookies in your browser, see the "Help" menu in the browser itself.

Which particular Cookies does this website use and for what purpose?

Below there is the list of the Cookies, tags and other similar devices used by this website, together with information on the purpose of each one of them.

Technical and personalisation cookies: for identification and authentication, browsing, interface customisation, favourites…

These Cookies are used to identify the user during the session, prevent the user from repeating login processes on the website, speed up certain procedures on the website, remember the selections made during the session or on subsequent visits, remember the pages that they already visited, etc.

  • User identification

They are used to identify and authenticate the user. They also contain the technical data from the user's session such as, for example, waiting time for connection, session identifier, etc.

  • Session identifier

They are used to identify the http session of the user. They are common in all web applications to identify user requests during a session.

  • Navigational status They allow the user's navigation status to be identified (start of the session, first page, first access, scroll status, state of voting, etc.).
  • User selections

They store the session values chosen by the user such as the store, language, currency, products, size etc.

  • Favourites and last selections

They allow the user's favourite selections to be remembered (stores, for example) as well as their last selections (stores, products, cookies installation consent, etc.) in later web sessions.

  • SHOPPING BASKET They store information about the mini shopping basket, such as the identification details of the user associated with the aforementioned basket.
  • Protocol They allow changes to be processed between secure (https) and non-secure (http) domains (protocol).

Cookies for navigation analysis

These Cookies obtain generic information about the user´s access to the website (not to the content itself) in order to subsequently provide us with aggregated information about these accesses for statistical purposes.

  • Origin (WC_GASource)

They are used to determine the origin of a user when arriving on a page on this website, for example, if they have arrived onto the product details page from a product grid, from the search browser or from an external website.

  • Google Analytics (__utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmd, __utmv, __utmz, _ga...)

They allow monitoring the website by means of the Google Analytics tool, which is a service provided by Google to obtain user access information on the website. Some of the data saved are: number of times a user visits the website, dates of the first and last visit, duration of the visits, the page from where the user accessed the website, the search engine the user used to access the website or the link they clicked on, the place in the world from where the user accesses, etc. The configuration of these cookies is predetermined by the service offered by Google and the information generated by the cookie about the use of your website will be transmitted and stored by Google, Inc (a United States-based company). Therefore we suggest to consult the privacy page of Google Analytics,, to obtain further information on the cookies it uses and how to disable them. Please, take into account that we are not responsible for the content or the accuracy of third-party websites.